Movie Title: Zathura - A space adventure
Genre: Science Fic & Fantasy (Family Combo)
Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes
Time Robbins, Josh Hutcherson, Jonah Bobo, Dax Shepard, Kristen Stewart
Directed by:
Jon Favreau
Produced by:
Ted Field, Louis D'Esposito (II), William Teitler
Wow.. talking about space adventures! This, is the ultimate movie for families.. solos.. kids.. whatever.. i'm not saying that this is competible with star wars or LOTR but seriously i think this movie is awesome.
Same author, different game. Zathura is a BLACK HOLE! It started off with two brothers.. Walter (older) and Danny(little). You know 'brothers'.. always like to quarell. So goes the story, Walter's always the bigger bro.. always win, always catches the ball, always the 'hero' and always blames stuff on his lil' bro! (poor Danny) After their father went out, Danny wants to play with Walter but big old Walter, wanna be the 'big man' watching Sportscentre (bla bla bla) Then Danny (D) 'terhit' Walter (W) a football then W got all angry, D hides in a 'dumbweighter' (dunno how to spell). And W pulls him down to the basement.. where D finds Zathura - a space adventure!
He brings it up.. asks his bro to play.. he goes first.. (1 whines the key, 2 push the 'Go' button 3 wait for the ship to move, 4 Bing! Card comes out) ,, Meteor Shower! And wham! Their in outer space saving thier lives from a meteor shower. It hit their living room quite bad! Then it's W's turn.. got promoted.. D's turn, W's turn. D's turn.. i forgot the sequences la but i know got;
1) Rescue a stranded astronaut! (D's turn) - some guy from space .. helps them find their way to zathura and eventually it turns out that he played the same game before and had a little bro just like the kids. But he wishes his bro was never born and got it but never finished the game cause it's not his turn! Soon after, he's actually Walter himself 15 years from now. And bla bla bla.. you'll know.. when u watch it..
2) Gold card - Free wish - Both gold cards was in W's hand's.. first he wished for a football signed by some dude. then he wished for the astronaut's bro to be back.. (which is him.. u know la).. touching bright moments... hurts my eyes..
3) Visitor from space - Zorgons! - Some lizard-like form, looking for sources to burn and meat.. sort of creepy.. Their ship looks like a fish! Well, the adventure's cool with D and W and the astro guy on the move.. oh yeah and Lisa (sister) (she got frozen for 5 turns before she freaks hehe)
4) Danny wins! - in the end as always.. Danny win la.. of course.. and zathura is actually a black hole.. everything's reset and 'nothing happened' Of course they remember la.. and happy ending..
Moral of the story: If you ever get some wish, don't wish that your siblings's dead or whatever! Instead, wish for something like.. money or cars or expensive items okay?
++ Treasure your siblings.. Never let them go.. they're the ones you've got and.. 'there're some games that you can't play alone' (quote)
Zathura site:'
Overall, the movie's good for me.. and deserves an awesome 7.0 / 10. Watch it and gimme ur comments!
Movie Title: Harry Potter and The Goblet of FireDirector: Mike Newell
Genre: Action/Adventure, Fiction&Fantasy (Family-size)
Duration: 2 hours 35 minutes (more of like 3 hours + kfc commercials)
Release Date: 18th Nov 2005 (worldwide)
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Michael Gambon, Maggie Smith
Now, i watched HP on Friday, 18th Nov at Star. Well, i was looking forward to it until i finally watched it. A bit of dissapointment you say, well hear my comments!
i've settled down.. taken my seat, grab hold of my popcorn and drink and waited.. First some screens of movies.. (aeon flux, narnia.. etc etc heck a whole lot of it) then commercials and commercials.. DUDE! i paid RM 9 to watch HP not commercials.. then finally.. KFC it's finger lickin' good .. swt man! Hiaz.. AAaa then comes .. HP!!
The first few minutes tell us about Wormtail, B (.. son) and you-know-who in a room.. secretly.. then comes this old guy.. listening to what they're saying and stuff then there's a snake,.. gliding into the room telling you-know-who abt the old man then he kills the old man then ZZZMMM Harry woke up.. it was only a dream.. swt!Next, Hermione was there and they're off with the Weasleys to the Port key.. Arrived at International Quidditch Cup, then watched some ppl 'showing off' then ATTACK of Dementors (i guess). Doesn't look like them.. Harry got separated then yada yada yada.. then Hogwarts! (sorry my main intentions are the Triward tasks not about Harry). Then came students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons then the Goblet of Fire (more of a glowing thing in a cup to me!) hmm it's getting boring like this .. alright i'll just speak off the triwizard tasks;
triwizard tournament:
1 Grab the Golden Egg
it looks easy! Duh! i can do it if i wanted to. (..>,<) all Harry does is.. fly fly fly some parts even not from the book. then grab the egg? swt man! It's suppose to be a nest.. and it's not that easy to find! but in GoF, there's only one and it's damn obvious. i expected the arena to be much bigger anyway. I may have to label this as Harry's golden failure! What? Scared by Wormtail? Heh, it's only CGI dude.. don't be so scared!
2 Underwater Wizardry
Another crappy task! After they open the egg.. put in water.. then hear the song. (nice though.. makes me go all... jelly....) Then WHam.. Neville helps Harry, Gillyweed! Interesting. Looks like some jelly strings bought at KLIA. then fins and gills.. not surprised.. but Harry looks taller in water doesnt he? And cleaner too, unlike his land-face, so dirty and messy. You should stay down there more often Harry! Bla bla bla..
Fleur kena disqualify cos mermaids and seaweeds.. make em' stuck. Then suddenly, came Bruce??? (from shark's tale) i was like... WHTF? then my friends turned and shouted.. "It's Krum la, you dong!" i was like.. "I know but it looks like Bruce ma... shish.. " (mind me my friends are HP lunatics, so excuse them..) Owh... Harry reached the victims first! Wanted to save Hermione and Ron but WHACK! The shark came and saved HErmione.. i think that's kinda rude. Then both 'naik darat'! if Hermione saw Victor's face i bet she would freak! .. (no comment la). ANd Harry save Ron and Fleur's sis, but kena attack mermaid so he pushed the victims up then bla bla.. (lazy to type..) don't worry Harry's save and sound with Dumbledore..
3 The Enchanted Maze
Practically the most interesting part of the story. The maze was awesome! it's huge and the Triwizard Cup is in the middle! (sort of). Wah lao.. if you sit in cinema.. KENG! but a bit boring la.. i'd rather watch Amazing Race. (much more intense) then you know la.. Fleur freaked. Victor kena bewitched so left Ceddric and Harry! Then port key... go Thomas Riddle's grave.. bla bla bla.. Voldemort revived.. and Ceddric DIES!! Man.. kesiannye.. only 1 movie and he dies... In the end.. Harry cries.. heheh.. i was laughing when i saw him do that.. it's too sarcastic! he should been more.. 'presentable' la.. not asking him to cry macam baby.. but.. make it more... herotic.. you know.. (sorry the pics tdk berkaitan dgn my comments.. )
Overall, the movie kinda sucked. Cut off a lot of interesting part.. haiz.. Want more info? Check this site:
Not the summary but more reviews.. games and stuff.. it's cool and you'll have to wait a littel while for the loading thing.. EnjoY!
Movie Rating: A lousy 6.763 / 10
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